Friday, June 26, 2009

Puppy Dog Tails PART 2

I have come to a decision that I know is just and carefully thought out...We will NOT have Gibby circumcised! I have fretted over this and lost sleep over this....I thought I had done my research thoroughly, but still felt uneasy. Maybe Gibson's temperature the morning of his surgery was a Godsend! I was changing him this morning and looked upon him in his sweet little boy wholeness and a peace came over me.

He came into this world intact, he will remain so. My heartfelt thanks to all who posted on the earlier story. Your comments did have an impact on my decision, as well as me forcing my pediatrician to "honestly" tell me what he thought. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" Sometimes it does take a village to raise a child.


  1. Such wonderful news! I knew I was right when I said that I could tell you were a good mother! :p

    I am glad you trusted your instinct in the end, and continued to think about this topic, and were open-minded, and careful, and thoughtful.

    You've made my day. :p

  2. Congratulations!!
    Your son will thank you SO MUCH and he will start out life with experiences of feeling positive, happy, and protected. You are brave and so very right in this decision!

  3. Mama I was right there like you a year ago, as I was too going to circumcise my baby boy and I also thanked intactivists who gave me the necessary info to lean against it, and here I am! ;-) Sure that fever happened for a reason... now don't forget to protect your intact son from doctors, make sure to tell them to NOT retract, baby boys don't need retraction of any kind, not even gentle retraction. Here is a good article about it:

    Also a video I made regarding Intact care:

    If you need support from other mamas of intact sons, visit there are a ton of info there :-)

  4. And, Michelle - In between diapers and feedings and trying to take care of yourself, too, go to, and see how you can help others to see "that sweet little boy wholeness" in their children. What a wonderful phrase!

  5. Again, thanks to all who voiced their passion on this subject. Thanks to Joel! And all of you. I've been sleeping much more soundly!
    xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :) (so has Gibson!)

  6. That is amazing news! My son is also intact! It is the right thing, I'm also glad that your pediatrician told you what s/he really thought! Amazing!

    Congrats on your little bundle of boy!!!

  7. Michelle, I have two sons (21 and 10 years old), both intact. When the older one was 13 we talked about the fact that my sister had chosen to circumcise her newborn son. He told me "THANK YOU for not letting them do that to me, Mom!" and he gave me a huge hug. The younger one is also glad to have everything he was born with. Janet

  8. Congratulations! I wish I'd know to protect my sons from the pain, trauma, and lifelong consequences of unnecessary surgery. Thankfully, from my sorrow, my children have protected their sons. Please pass your experience along so that other mothers will learn to trust their instincts over bad advice from their doctors, families, friends, and others. Rather than feeling sadness and remorse because you didn't protect your son, you became educated and you now feel the same joy as every parent who has protected their son from non-therapeutic, cosmetic surgery. Bravo, Mama!

  9. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for protecting your son! I have been away from the computer for a bit and I just came back to read the news.

    You are a wonderful momma bear! I feel the same sense of peace everytime I see my son's whole body.

    I second what another poster wrote, please check out and find out how you can further this cause. You can pass along your knowledge to help others parents protect their sons. :D
